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Eromes Marko
Eromes Marko and its employees function in a very horizontal and innovative organisation, all connected by a strong passion for furnishing. The core range has been designed by our own industrial designers, they have extensive experience with the specific (logistical) wants and needs of a school. We manufacture our -made in Holland- products in our modern production locations in Wijchen, Hoogeveen and Emmen (the Netherlands).
At Eromes Marko we have our own way of doing business, we have opened the doors. We collaborate with the education sector and surrounding parties, such as educational consultancy agencies, architects, suppliers of walls, ceilings, floors, lighting and many more. Thanks to our collaboration with the Rolf Group we now have extensive knowledge on ICT, learning and playing materials, childcare and teaching methods. Also, the workshops organised in our building by Knapvilla have proven to be an enrichment for our daily business operations.
For more details please visit